Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Run

Running on Sundays is always hit or miss. It always depends on what is going on at church, if we have to stay late, how late I was up on Saturday (ie: if there's a UFC on), etc. I think it's good practice to do a quick run if I'm feeling up to it.

Ran a 5k today. I'm very happy with my pace so far this year and I'm really surprised that I've improved this much. I tend to not push myself (in everything!)... I'm trying this year, to do just that. Seems to be working. I'm thankful!

Distance: 3.11 miles
Time: 34:16
Average Pace: 10:59/mile

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn! I followed the link in your siggie and enjoyed reading about your runs for the year. I haven't ran yet this year, but hopefully will be able to this evening.

    Mary (merry)
