Friday, June 25, 2010


I woke up this morning, and there was beautiful, glorious weather. The humidity was low, the breeze was cool. It was magnificent. I downed a glass of water, put on some shorts (that I hate, by the way. I think they are designed in such a way to make me look like an old woman. Must get better shorts.) and a tank top, and went out.

On Wednesday, after my horrible run, I began to rethink this October Marathon thing. I have such a hard time running in the heat. How am I supposed to run 16 and 20 milers in this horrible heat? I was thinking that perhaps the best thing would be to do a marathon in the spring, where I could do long runs in February and March instead of July and August. I could always fall back to the half marathon in October. No shame in that. Well, maybe a little. I decided to wait until August to make the decision.

Determined to do a 10k today, I told myself if I can do this, there's hope for marathon training. I would not allow myself to take a walk break until I had run 5k. Then, I could take a 2 minute break.

At about 1.2k, I got tired and thought it would be great to walk. Then I asked myself the question my friend shared with me last year: Do you NEED to walk, or do you WANT to walk? I merely wanted to walk. So I kept running. I got to run through a couple of sprinklers. That was refreshing! The 5k mark came and I kept running. I figured, I'll run until 7k if I can, and then take a walk break. That's when I got into my groove. Without the scorching heat to destroy me, I felt like myself again. The run was fantastic. I ran the whole way.

I did stop for about 3 seconds to wait for a sprinkler to point in my direction, but I'm not counting that.

Distance: 6.22 miles
Time: 1:06:31
Pace: 10:41

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boo Hoo

Rough run today. I chose not to get up early to run. Instead, I went out at 11am. Bad move! The weather looked ok, though. The sun was not out, and a storm was coming. I thought it might be ok. It wasn't. The humidity was horrible! I thought I was going to die a few times. Thankfully, I didn't. My feet, ankles and arms all swelled up and made things very uncomfortable. I took too many walk breaks. Then it started to rain and the wind was unbelievable. I figured I'd do 5k and that would be it. I really needed to do 6 miles this week, however, so I chose to come home and jump right on the treadmill to do the other 5k. I paused my iPod and set up the fan in the window next to the 'mill. I tried to do another 5k, but just didn't have it in me. I managed 5 miles. I can't take this heat!

I'm going to attempt 10k again on Friday morning. EARLY! I won't be able to do a marathon if I'm training like this, so I must suck it up and get up early!

Distance: 5.06 miles
Time: 57:28
Pace: 11:20

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Too Late

Apparently 8:00 a.m. is too late to run in the cool weather. I'm going to have to start getting up at my crack in order to beat the heat!! While I'm not a morning person, at least I'll only have to do this three times a week. Or two, if I do a late-night run on the treadmill.

I had a good pace while I ran today... the problem was that I took three walk breaks. I might be confining myself to the treadmill for the week to see if that helps me skip them. I have a lot harder time pressing "4" on the 'mill than I do stopping to walk outside.

Distance: 4.01 miles
Time: 44:58
Pace: 11:13

Friday, June 18, 2010

Late Night Run

In the wonderful world of My Life, I often have schedule changes for work. It is angering, but my job requires that certain people are at work at certain times, and if someone calls in sick or has another pressing engagement (like an interview at another office), someone has to fill in for them. Enter, Yours Truly.

I was looking forward all week to my Friday morning run. I was supposed to come in late today, which meant I would have plenty of time to run before work, and save myself having to attempt another humid afternoon run. So much for that! I figured I'd give up my Friday run and either run on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, giving me just two runs for the week. Unfortunate. With official marathon training right around the corner, I'd like to get in a couple good weeks of running.

Who wants to run after a 10 hour work day? Not me! I had a lovely evening at home and then my husband jokingly suggested I run at 10pm, once it got cool. Ok, then!

On the treadmill I went, because you just don't run in the 'hood after dark. I'm sure it's law or something. Law of the street, anyway!

It was so disgustingly hot, even with the fan. I did not open the window, even though I should have. I was afraid my neighbors would see me. Yet another reason to ask some teens from church to move the treadmill into the basement. Cooler, and no one can watch.

I managed a 5k and ran the whole way. I had a real hard time at the 25 minute mark, but managed to push through. After I finished, I ripped my shoes and socks off as fast as humanly possible, and drank a large glass of water, followed by a large glass of milk. Then I literally dripped with sweat.

It was awesome.

Distance: 3.12 mile
Time: 34:09
Pace: 10:56

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Have a Garbage Run

1. Take a week off from running, then run one slow 5k. Take two more days off.

2. Eat a bunch of cupcakes a couple of hours before your run.

3. Down two giant glasses of water just under an hour before you head out. This will ensure your need to urinate badly at mile 0.5.

4. Wait until 4pm on a hot and humid day. Make sure the sun is as bright as it possibly can be.

5. Choose a route that does not have any shade.

The result? Only going half as far as you wanted, and the half you do will be slower than any other run this year.

The good part? You went out and ran.

Distance: 3.11 miles
Time: 36:24
Pace: 11:41

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eighteen Weeks

Eighteen weeks until the marathon! I debated between two different training programs, and I like the one on Runner's World better, so I'm going to do that. The problem is, they only go as long as 16 weeks, so I have two more weeks until I start! I am itching to be officially training.

I took some time to rearrange my blog, and read a lot of my entries. It seems I am pretty inconsistent, doesn't it? That is not a good quality to have when training for something like a marathon. I'll have to work on that.

Speaking of being inconsistent, I haven't run since the 10k. Bad move! I ran tonight, and took three walk breaks. But I did it, even though I wanted to stay home and take another day off. So that's good, right?

Distance: 3.12 miles
Time: 33:47
Pace: 10:48

Saturday, June 5, 2010

10k Race

Today was the 10k race! I did not get a personal record, but I did get a best for a 10k race, so it's almost the same. :) What a whirlwind day!

I was first woken up at 5am by my German Shepherd, who felt it would be a good idea to jump on my uterus. I gasped and snorted all in one shot, and sat straight up in bed. Good morning! She's so precious.

I felt weird this morning... I had a hard time getting started with my race morning routine, but managed to get out the door only a couple minutes late. I went to Susan's, and then we were on our way! Parking was different this year, and we had to park farther away, but luckily, we still had time for a Starbucks potty break. We couldn't find our other friends that were running with us, so we lined up for the start. About one minute before the clock started, we saw our friends. We ran over to them and helped them with their D-tag chip timers and race bibs. In the meantime, the clock started and the runners were off. We were all yelling to each other about making sure we started at the right spot to cross the chip mats, and off we went! Our two friends went on ahead, and Susan and I ran together for a while.

I never seemed to find my stride today. My shins were sore and never really loosened up, and the whole thing felt like a struggle. I kept thinking that the course seemed A LOT harder than last year, though it was exactly the same. I didn't allow myself the option of stopping, though I wanted to many times. At the 3 mile mark, I was at 32:30 (they yelled out the times as you ran past).

When I hit mile 5, I literally felt my strength leave. It doesn't make sense on a "shorter" run, but I think I hit the wall. I was so exhausted. I saw that "Mile 5" sign, and my heart sunk. There was someone with a hose, spraying the runners, and I took the opportunity to cool down and refresh. It worked, and I managed to run the rest of the way. I really wanted to push it when I could see the finish line, but just couldn't bring myself to run any faster.

I'm happy with my time. I would have loved to get a personal record, but I still had a great race. I enjoyed running the race with my friends, and am happy that they were excited to run it also! Everyone did great, and pushed hard. I'm thankful for friends!

Official Time: 1:05:03

Distance: 6.2 miles

Pace: 10:28

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm Blue, Baby!!

Nike Plus has different colors based on how many miles of runs you've uploaded. I just turned blue! That means I've uploaded 1,000 kilometers, or 621 miles for my American friends. That is exciting! I'll be here until 2,500 km (1552 miles), so I'd better get used to the blue.

I was going to run this morning before work, since I had a successful time yesterday, but when my alarm went off, I said forget it. I should have just gotten up though... I couldn't fall back asleep. I also loved the feeling yesterday at work when I kept thinking about how I didn't have to go home and run, or I didn't have to forego my run because of poor planning. Today I thought about my run all day at work. Then when I got home, I contemplated for a couple hours about whether or not I really should run, or take the night off. I ended up going at about 7:30 pm, which seems like it should be too late. I know a lot of people run later, but I've read you should give yourself at least a few hours after a run before going to bed, because you may not be able to sleep.

Once again, I did not allow myself to check my pace on the iPod, but just ran comfortably and steadily. I had a better pace tonight than yesterday! I feel like I'm back! Maybe not at 100%, but definitely 85%. Maybe even 88% or 90%. Or 92%. Running is feeling more natural again.

Distance: 5.02 miles
Time: 53:03
Pace: 10:34

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Morning Run

I am not a morning person. If you know me, you know that. I can't tell you how many arguments I've had with my husband in the morning because I'm so cranky. I keep telling him that he knows how I am in the morning, so he should leave me alone, but he refuses to think that I shouldn't be responsible for my own actions. Pfft!

Summer is upon us in Detroit. I hate the summer. If you know me, you know that. I'm not a fan of the heat. It drains my energy and all I want to do is lay around. Kind of like how I feel in the winter, but I'm not as hot.

I took a week off from running for mental health reasons; I figure, once marathon training starts, it's hardcore all the time. Now was the time for a break if ever there was. My next break will start on October 18th. Anyway, when I came back from the break, I had a really hard time running without walk breaks. A couple of months ago, I could run 10 miles without stopping. After the break, I couldn't do 5k without stopping a couple of times. This happened conveniently when the heat wave started. I was thinking I lost my ability and really sabotaged myself by taking a week off.

I will not be able to make it through marathon training by only running in afternoon, or after 10am on my day off. If it was mid-December, that would be perfect. But not in the summer. So, I forced myself to get up early today and do a 10k. I needed to know that I can get up early, run and still get to work on time.

I did that this morning! When the run started, I told myself I would not get a walk break, and I could not stop the run early. I ran a little slower than I have been, but I did run the whole way! Success! I CAN do this! And, I was on time to work.

A few friends and I are running a 10k this Saturday. I'm pretty confident that I'll beat last year's time, but I'm not sure I'll get a personal record. I'd be very happy with under 1:05, and I think my PR is at 1:04 (once you figure in the 10 seconds/mile that the Nike Plus is off). It's ok if I don't PR, even though I was hoping for under 1:03. We'll see what happens.

At any rate, I'm excited for the race. If you know me, you know that!

Distance: 6.23 miles
Time: 1:07:23
Pace: 10:49