Friday, June 18, 2010

Late Night Run

In the wonderful world of My Life, I often have schedule changes for work. It is angering, but my job requires that certain people are at work at certain times, and if someone calls in sick or has another pressing engagement (like an interview at another office), someone has to fill in for them. Enter, Yours Truly.

I was looking forward all week to my Friday morning run. I was supposed to come in late today, which meant I would have plenty of time to run before work, and save myself having to attempt another humid afternoon run. So much for that! I figured I'd give up my Friday run and either run on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, giving me just two runs for the week. Unfortunate. With official marathon training right around the corner, I'd like to get in a couple good weeks of running.

Who wants to run after a 10 hour work day? Not me! I had a lovely evening at home and then my husband jokingly suggested I run at 10pm, once it got cool. Ok, then!

On the treadmill I went, because you just don't run in the 'hood after dark. I'm sure it's law or something. Law of the street, anyway!

It was so disgustingly hot, even with the fan. I did not open the window, even though I should have. I was afraid my neighbors would see me. Yet another reason to ask some teens from church to move the treadmill into the basement. Cooler, and no one can watch.

I managed a 5k and ran the whole way. I had a real hard time at the 25 minute mark, but managed to push through. After I finished, I ripped my shoes and socks off as fast as humanly possible, and drank a large glass of water, followed by a large glass of milk. Then I literally dripped with sweat.

It was awesome.

Distance: 3.12 mile
Time: 34:09
Pace: 10:56

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