Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Training Schedule

I decided on a training schedule. I'm going to use a 10k training schedule, which will end at the 10k I'll be running on June 5th (and hopefully give me a great time for the race!). Then, a couple weeks after that, I'll begin my marathon training schedule. The 10k schedule will have me max out at 20 miles a week, which will be perfect to start marathon training with.

Today was my long run, which was 6 miles. I set my iPod to 10k. It then tells me my pace in km, which I'm not as familiar with. I decided not to worry about it and just run at a comfortable speed; what felt natural for me. I had an awesome run! There were times I felt like I was nearly floating. I felt great the whole time, and sprinted for the last 400 meters. I ran past a door-to-door salesman a few times, and the last time, he yelled to me, "You've lapped me three times, Mama." I don't know about the "Mama" part, but the rest was nice to hear.

I had a personal record today for the 10k! I shaved about a minute off my best time. That's really good news! :)

Distance: 6.24 miles
Time: 1:05:32
Pace: 10:30

1 comment:

  1. ROCK ON 'MAMA'! That is funny he yelled at you... wonder why he said Mama? LOL! Great training plan and AWESOME pace and PR!!!!!!!! I will never catch you now. :[

