Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5K with Frieda

I decided on an easy run today, since my last two were both difficult. While eating my breakfast, I looked down at Frieda, who was gazing lovingly at me. I thought, "HEY! I should bring Frieda on my run today!"

Now, Frieda is a 90+ pound German Shepherd, not yet two years old. The best way to describe her is a bull in a China shop. She is anything but gentle. Awesome, hilarious and loving, but not gentle. The same can be said of when she's on a leash. The good news is that she won't go potty on a leash (therefore, not requiring me to pick up turds on my neighbors' lawn), but she likes to chase cars, squirrels, birds, other dogs, and sometimes, people. We're working on it. Taking her for a run did put some fear into me - what if she lunges for a car while I'm in the zone and she trips me? What if she cuts in front of me to run towards a dog in its yard and I knee her in the head, fall over her, and break my head?

Well, she won't learn if I don't try, I thought. So, I laced up and walked to the back closet where her leash is. Being a German Shepherd, she figured out what was going on, and sat in front of the back door with great anticipation. I got her collar and leash and put it on... so calm, she was. Then we went out.

I walked for a couple of minutes as she pulled and pulled, gasping for air as I sternly said, "HEEL!" and pulled her back. She was doing pretty good! Then I decided we'd go for it... I hit the center button on my iPod and started to run. She did fantastic! I think part of the reason was that the neighborhood was quiet - not many dogs, not many people, not many cars. She was running a couple of feet ahead of me for the first 2km or so. Then she started to slow down, and her head was even with my leg... where it's supposed to be. Good girl. Nearing 4k, she started to fall behind. "Come on, Frieda!" She was tired, but she gave a little push when I called her to. Every now and then we'd see a dog, and she'd get a burst of energy and try to chase it. What a faker! Pretending she's tired when she still has so much left! I had to slow down a little at the 4k mark, but for the last 400 meters, I wanted to go faster. I pretended she was a friend running with me and encouraged her that way. "You can do it, Frieda! We're almost there! Two minutes! Come on, girl!" It worked! What a trooper! As soon as we hit the 5k, and I stopped my iPod, she threw her body into the grass of the neighbor's lawn - she was done. I let her lay there for a few seconds and then we walked home together. Happy as clams.

Turns out, we had a pretty good pace! I thought we slowed down quite a bit, but because we started super fast, it made up for the slower pace at the end. Let this be a lesson to you, Frieda, we want an even pace the whole time; don't start too quick or you'll be spent before the run is over. Let's work on that next time.

Who needs Mace when you have a German Shepherd attached to your wrist?

Distance: 3.12 miles
Time: 33:41
Pace: 10:47


  1. Awesome! I'm glad you didn't fall and break your head. ROFL. I miss both of you!

  2. Good for you and Frieda! I'm no good at running with my dogs. They are too crazy and I'm too impatient and I hate holding onto the leash. I wish I were better at it.
