Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's Official!

I registered for the Detroit Free Press Marathon! I have seven months to train. I can do this!

I also bought the book Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide by Hal Higdon. It is highly recommeded, and since this is my first marathon, I thought it would be good to learn from an expert!

I am excited and nervous. Part of me wonders if I can really do something as big as a marathon. But then I see how, for the past couple of seasons, the finalists of the Biggest Loser run a marathon after only 3 months of training. Of course, I won't be working out 5-6 hours a day like them, but I have been running for two and a half years, so that has to count for something, right? The motto for the Detroit Marathon is: YOU CAN DO THIS! I'm going to keep telling myself that for the next seven months. :)

Good run today. Four miles on the treadmill:

Distance: 4.04 miles
Time: 43:28
Pace: 10:45


  1. YOU CAN DO THIS!♥ So proud of you for registering!!! Rock on Sister!♥
