I am not a morning person. If you know me, you know that. I can't tell you how many arguments I've had with my husband in the morning because I'm so cranky. I keep telling him that he knows how I am in the morning, so he should leave me alone, but he refuses to think that I shouldn't be responsible for my own actions. Pfft!
Summer is upon us in Detroit. I hate the summer. If you know me, you know that. I'm not a fan of the heat. It drains my energy and all I want to do is lay around. Kind of like how I feel in the winter, but I'm not as hot.
I took a week off from running for mental health reasons; I figure, once marathon training starts, it's hardcore all the time. Now was the time for a break if ever there was. My next break will start on October 18th. Anyway, when I came back from the break, I had a really hard time running without walk breaks. A couple of months ago, I could run 10 miles without stopping. After the break, I couldn't do 5k without stopping a couple of times. This happened conveniently when the heat wave started. I was thinking I lost my ability and really sabotaged myself by taking a week off.
I will not be able to make it through marathon training by only running in afternoon, or after 10am on my day off. If it was mid-December, that would be perfect. But not in the summer. So, I forced myself to get up early today and do a 10k. I needed to know that I can get up early, run and still get to work on time.
I did that this morning! When the run started, I told myself I would not get a walk break, and I could not stop the run early. I ran a little slower than I have been, but I did run the whole way! Success! I CAN do this! And, I was on time to work.
A few friends and I are running a 10k this Saturday. I'm pretty confident that I'll beat last year's time, but I'm not sure I'll get a personal record. I'd be very happy with under 1:05, and I think my PR is at 1:04 (once you figure in the 10 seconds/mile that the Nike Plus is off). It's ok if I don't PR, even though I was hoping for under 1:03. We'll see what happens.
At any rate, I'm excited for the race. If you know me, you know that!
Distance: 6.23 miles
Time: 1:07:23
Pace: 10:49
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