Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My run was wonderful today. After deciding to run the half marathon instead of the full, I felt a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I was dreading my long runs, and that's no good!

I wasn't sure how long I was going to run today. I have a 10 mile race on the 28th, and want to do better than I did last year. The longest I've run straight this summer (without walk breaks) has been just under 7 miles. I decided to set my iPod for 10 miles, and see if I could run for at least 8 of those before walking. I figured I could stop at 8 if I wanted to.

At about 5 miles, my knees and hips started to hurt, but I kept going. I managed to run the whole 10 miles. I haven't done that since March! Looking at my Nike+ it shows my pace slowing after 7 miles; about 25 seconds slower per mile. I can handle that! I'm a little sore now, but very happy that I was able to do it! I'm feeling good about the race now. I really hope I can beat my time.

Have I mentioned how I love the 10-mile distance?

Distance: 10:01
Time: 1:52:16
Pace: 11:12


  1. When did you change the blog to Runny McRunnerton? Hilarious!

    So glad reevaluating your goals allowed you to rediscover the JOY of running :)
