A dear friend of mine was making pies for our annual Ladies' Ministry Pie Sale. She so thoughtfully made me three mini pies, so I could enjoy the fruits of her labor! You know someone loves you when they do that!
Here are the wonderful pies I was given (in a real Tupperware container). One was made with canned pumpkin, one with fresh pumpkin and one is a sweet potato pie:
We got home from church quite late last night, and I wanted to take the time to really enjoy each pie, so I didn't try them. They taunted me from the kitchen table, but I managed to wait until tonight to taste the goodness!
After dinner, I got a cup of milk and sat down to enjoy:
I started with the old favorite, the canned pumpkin pie:
It was delicious! Good consistency; firm, cinnamony, delicious! Loved it!!
Then I tried the fresh pumpkin pie:
I have never had a fresh pumpkin pie before! It had a more subtle color than the canned, and it was less firm. It was SO much more flavorful, and tasted much more REAL. It was very, very good.
Then there was the sweet potato pie:
The most colorful and the most pleasing to the eye, in my opinion. It was very sweet, and very good! I don't think I've ever had sweet potato pie before, but I did enjoy it. It was a different texture than the pumpkin for sure, but good just the same.
If I had to choose, I'd have to give the award to the fresh pumpkin pie. SO good! They were all delicious, and I did manage to save a bite or two for my husband. :)
I love Judie. ♥